Can could polite requests exercises pdf
Here is a making polite requests worksheet activity to help students practice the language for making, accepting and declining polite. Give each student a copy of the worksheet. Making requests and asking for permission.
Read the conversations below and fill in the gaps with the words and phrases from the lists. Here is a free making polite requests worksheet activity to help students practice the language for making, accepting and declining polite requests. The students begin by using ten polite phrases to make requests for the situations on their worksheet.
Students match the excuses to the pictures and then have short conversations using the model on the handout. Can I _____ you something to drink? Would you _____ if I closed the window? Grammar snacks: Can, could and would - exercises Watch the video and read the conversation between Sophie and Mei.
This exercise practices making requests and responding them using CAN and CAN ´T. We also use modals for asking for something (making a request or asking permission).
Could you say thanks to your mum for me? I’ve finished my homework. Examples: Can you pass the salt please? Can is less polite than Could. It is often used for. Monitor carefully and wrap-up by having two students perform a dialog for the class. Click on the image below or the link to download the PDF file. So you could say something like: Please write the report by the end of today. But that sounds a little bit too direct.
There are other ways to make requests which are more polite, and more likely to make the other person feel OK! This is a second grammar exercise and worksheet for English language learners to practice the different ways of making polite requests. Reported speech - reporting verbs. By tuanwalter Paraphrase the following sentences using.
Asking to do things – asking for permission There are many different ways of making polite requests in English. We can add “ possibly ” to be even more polite. A collection of downloadable worksheets, exercises and activities to teach Polite requests, shared by English language teachers.

There are currently worksheets in this section to help you turn your students into very polite individuals. Welcome to the polite requests category.
The variety of activities available means that there is something suitable for every age and ability level. Here is a basic polite requests worksheet for elementary and pre-intermediate students. Be polite – use may: “May I borrow a dollar?
State the request negatively. Formal Requests Use could and would to make formal requests (ask someone to do something). Informal Requests Use can and will for less formal requests. You can use below phrases and expressions when asking someone to do something for you.
Do you think you could …? He could be in the garden. It was a place where anything could happen. You can get a better job if you speak English. I could not understand anything she said.
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