Iran wikipedia

Iran wikipedia

The earliest attested archaeological artifacts in Iran, like. Iran has an area of 641km2. It lies between latitudes. Although tourism declined significantly during the war with. Is iran part of asia? Persian: سید علی حسینی. What is the capital city of Iran and India? It is part of the Middle East region. Tehran is the capital and biggest city. Iran was reported to have starting to develop a COVID-vaccine in early March.

On June, the Minister of Health announced that a human trial for COVID-vaccine will soon begin after tests on animals were shown to be successful. Irán Apédiából, a szabad enciklopédiából Irán (perzsául ایران), hivatalos nevén az Iráni Iszlám Köztársaság (perzsául: جمهوری اسلامی ایران), régebbi elnevezéssel Perzsia közel-keleti ország Délnyugat-Ázsiában.

Comprisin a laund aurie o 641km (633sq mi), it is the seicont lairgest kintra in the Middle East an the 17t lairgest in the warld. Fordow, near the city of Qom, is the site of an underground uranium enrichment facility at a former Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps base. The former is a roughly triangular-shaped extension of the Mesopotamia plain and averages about 1kilometres (mi) in width.

It extends for about 1kilometres (mi) inlan barely rising a few meters above sea level, then meets abruptly with the first foothills. A country in Western Asia. Massoume Price, ed.

Iran wikipedia

Iranin islamilainen tasavalta eli Iran (pers. ‏ایران, Īrān‎) on Lähi-idässä sijaitseva valtio, jonka pääkaupunki on Teheran. In the 19th and early 20th century, the name Aryan was used by Europeans to mean all Indo-Europeans. Iran adalah negara yang beragam, terdiri dari banyak kelompok agama dan etnis yang bersatu melalui bahasa dan budaya bersama Iran.

Say Iran, sakey dalin ed Asia. Text is available under the Creative. Jomhuri-ye Eslāmi-ye Irān. Darahonon: استقلال، آزادی، جمهوری اسلامی Esteqlāl, Āzādi, Jomhuri-ye Eslāmi.

Awit: سرود ملی جمهوری. Republika Islamika han Iran. Reza Shāh Pahlavi, jon ki uu time shah rahaa, des ke naam badal ke Iran kar diis, kuch log soche hae ki Adolf Hitler ke khusi kare ke khatir. Iran naam, Aryan se aae hae jiske matlab "Land of Aryans" hae.

Iran es lande de sudi Asia. Zoroastrians, ke book me iske Avesta bolaa jaae hae. Quankam es indo-europani lingue on skrive la kun arabi literes.

The official name of the country is the Islamic Public of Iran. Iran is a country located in Western Asia. The country has a population that exceeds million, and it is the 18th largest country by population.

Iran wikipedia

In terms of area, it is 633square miles and is the 17th largest country by area. Iran population is equivalent to 1. Iran ranks number in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.


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